Saturday 30 January 2010

Moonwalk Training - 10 Miler brought to you with an oat baked bar


lovely 10 miler this morning. I had the wind in my hair, the last book of the Twilight saga on my iphone and a oatbaked bar in my poket - its alll goood
I choose a really good route - the only down side of which was that you could see the kiosk with the 'you are half way there ice cold diet coke' from about two miles before beacause of the way the track worked its way around the lake
averaged a sweet 14min mile
off for a kip before a hip and happening party im going to tonight - vodka is portioned out and caloried for ready to go

Thursday 21 January 2010

Moonwalk training - 12 miler footstamping and tantrums

through a fantastic lack of imagination I just decided to do two lots of my 6 mile walk this week to get my 12 miles in. hmm...

the upside of this route is that it has a fantastic hill in the first mile so replicates the scotland moonwalk quite well - this was very good on the way there but did you know its really really hard to powerwalk down hill without falling forward or running a little bit. I think I'll need to practise this as running in the powerwalking marathon is Strictly forbidden

and the walking? well not too bad think I need to get my new trainers as I could feel my feet rolling in. however, my nutrition left something to be desired - I need to get up earlier so I can get more some stuff down me. not doing this today meant that I had a really energy dip at half way causing an enormous footstamping tantrum in the middle of the very heavily tourit pack town we had walked to. i ate a few malteasers and felt better - so ipso facto i should eat more malteasers lol

o well will remember for next week with an easier 10miler

Sunday 17 January 2010

Moonwalk! bonus mini walk 4miler


just thought i'd pop in a training session from today - weather was beautiful today so decided to add in a little 4miler to get over my nonwalks of the last two weeks. was pretty easy and i went round in a little under an hour meaning finally im back to pace.

however my shins were really sore today so fingers crossed its not shin splints. what i really need is a pair of fancy pants trainers that will correct my rolling in feet. however that will require money and i am currently relying on the boy for money after (yet again!) losing my debit card (tidiot lol) so will have to wait for replacement to get here.

the gutting thing was my audio book has also finished and i cant get another on until the bliming card arrives either - going to be some very boring walks this week!

anywho this week i am planning 2x3milers, 1x4miler and 1x12miler - wish me luck!!

Saturday 16 January 2010

Moonwalk training- 8 miler

woohoo! its raining!! which means no more snow -woopdewoop!!

so in case your wondering this is the plan i am following - and as you can see week 6= 8miles long walk get in!!

i decided that my usual thames path was faaarr to boring to do again and decided on an ambitious track round a nearby roal park. good idea?! - NO! first its still really icy in the park so i slip slided around which would have made me quicker if it wasnt for the second fact - i got bliming lost! at one point i followed a path only to find it chucked me out onto a waterfall and another that chucked me out into a forest GREAT lol.

this all would have been fine if it wasnt for the fact that it was:

a) raining
c) getting on when i had football to go and watch
d)my iphone/gps was running out of battery and i was convinced i was going to get lost in the forest

my car was the best thing i had ever ever seen!

soo how did i do? rubbish!! i think it was a combo of the fact that i hadnt drank enough (id poured myself a drink and promptly put it down and lost it in the flat - it is still yet to be found 10 hrs on :-s. i can just imagine the boy finding it at some point this week and thinking im a right ol' nutter even more than normal!) and that id bolted down my porridge because i was running late. what was good was the fab podcast i listened too by the wonderful mizfit and dietgirl and my lovely audio book (the idea for which i got from reading dietgirls moonwalk training - i told you she was fab!)

next week 12miler - i may go back to what i know and walk my normal thames path way lets wait and see

oh and more snow due for tuesday ....grrr.....

Thursday 14 January 2010

diet wk2 - see how we go...

sooo for all you holding your breath in anticipation - i did it!!!!

i stepped on them scales - and after 1 week on the diet after 8 weeks off i am the same weight i was last time i hopped on the scale - get in!

and i have found a fablous new weightloss website which is really helping me out. basically when i did ww everything was in points but now i am tracking calories. well i say i am tracking but really the website does it all for you which makes it even easier.

really it makes no difference you'd think tracking points or calories surley- the argument would follow that as long as you end the week on a sufficent calorie deficit you'll lose weight. however when you think about how the point value of an item is found (which if you dont no you can google - i aint getting sued!) you realise that a large amount of calories on the diet is equal in points terms to a quite small amount of sat fat. and besides surley the calories of a food include all componants of the food - whether thats sat fat, fibre or protein - added together. Bearing in mind that we know that fat has the largest amount of calories per g then surely thats being taken into account and if i add on the satfat to get the point then i am counting it twice?! no?!

i did some rudimentary maths and worked out that if my food had no sat fat in it then i would get 1330 calories a day on ww but if it has some sat fat then it could be well less as i would have less calorie points as some would have been used up by satfat. at nutracheck i am on 1400 which is pretty reasonable and liveable...

anywho lets see how i get on on it non? i did lose 3 stone on ww so im not going to rubbish it completley but still let me know your thoughts... i might be right off track here!

according to nutracheck if i stick to the plan i'll lose about 1.5lb a week and hit goal on the 17th march! lets see how we go...

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Moonwalk training - Snow Check!

bliming snowing and icy - no walking :(

as much as i am unfit i really enjoy my walking it makes me knackered and energiesed at the same time.


10miler booked in for saturday fingers crossed

Saturday 9 January 2010

Moonwalk training - 10miler


did you notice? it snowed!!! 6inches where i am - looks pretty but bit of an ass to walk around in specially when you are trying to train for TWO moonwalks!

for those who are wondering why two i'll tell you - i applied for the London one, started training and decided i would be so gutted if i didnt get the ballot for london that i'd better apply for edinboro just in the hope that i would get a least one. well LUCKY ME i got both lol! so lovely challenge that i really need to train for...

but SNOW grrrr....

so im supposed to do 4 walks a week - three mini walks for pace (powerwalking 4.5mph) and a big ol one on a saturday. i havent been out alllll week for little walks but decided i would bite the bullet and get out in the snow anyway - with the help of my tusty spiders (teeny crampons i bought last year when i walked up scafell pike).

so today i can report a 10 miler too a very slow snow pace with one stop at a well known american coffee shop and another at less well known greasy spoon. Its ALOT harder to walk in the snow... someone said it was 15x harder to walk in the snow and i can say that my thighs reckon it.

fingers cross no more snow for this week :(

Sunday 3 January 2010

Diet wk1- the monster under the bed

soooo diet hmm?! how attractive is that as an option? not particularly!

and wow isnt it january everyone i know is on a diet - even my lovely auntie which means no more cakes - dang! the lovelies at work are on a diet just because its jan and thats the done thing - if its anything like last year they'll give up by feb. however the rest of my friends are on a diet because a mutal friend is getting married so we all want to look HOT me specially as i am in the wedding party.

everyone seems to be tackling this differently, some on weight watchers, some on slimming world and i frankly dont no what i want to do with myself.

at the moment im at odds to even way meself - i know ive put weight on so whats the point of seeing it in LED. so ill do the old favourite - weight watchers - for now and when i feel its safe to i'll get the monster out from under the bed and step on it. ahhhh!!!

Friday 1 January 2010

In the begining there was the word...

...and the word was FAT!

Unfortunately I seem to have put on most of the weight i lost this time last year...gutted...

anywho the time has come to lose it again and thought it might be a nice idea to take you along for the ride - so welcome who ever you may well be and thank you for stumbling onto me blog.

So what of me? I am in my early 20s i lost 3 stone this time last year and have put back on approximately a third

So i guess at this point it would be a cool time to tell you my goals so you where this blog is going to go (well hopefully!)

1) get back down to my goal weight (about 14lbs to lose)
2) walk TWO moonwalks this year
3) learn to eat fruit and veg - something approximating a healthy diet at least
4) walk the London ring
5) Regularly drink 8 glasses of water a day

so i guess from that little list you might guess that i am into my walking but have a terrible diet to go with it and you'd pretty much have me down to a T.

So hopefully I'll be logging my weight losses on a monday and updating this blog as and when the impulse takes me - hope you enjoy the ride